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Why You Should Stop Smoking Today


The latest USA statistics show that approximately 480,000 people die every year because of smoking. It is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. There are 34 million people who are currently smoking. About 16 million are suffering from diseases and issues caused by smoking; these statistics are from the US alone. We see advertisements, campaigns, and articles revolving around this topic throughout the year. Why is that? Because people are still dying, they are still careless and prioritize a bad habit over their lives and their loved ones. None of the articles or advertisements can help someone who is not even looking for help. However, if you are someone who is trying to quit smoking, and someone who is genuinely wanting to change, then this article is for you. 

Here are some of the reasons why you should quit smoking without a second thought, starting today. 

Healthy Lungs 

There is no denying that cigarettes are hungry monsters for your lungs. Cigarettes destroy your lungs and their power to function. A person who smokes has a lifetime of breathing issues ahead of them. If you are young, you might think that smoking has caused no damage to your lungs, and you seem to be fine, but smoking is known as the slow kill. With years, your lung capacity will decrease, and at that time, it will be harder to replenish it.  

Smoking can damage the airways of your lungs and could be a cause of various lung diseases. These deadly white sticks can trigger asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and even cause a stroke in the future. Cigarettes top the list being the main reason behind most lung cancer cases. If you quit smoking today, regardless of how damaged your lungs are, they would still get 10% better within the first nine months of leaving. The longer you drag this habit, the tougher it will call for the lungs to heal. 

Feel Energetic

When you stop smoking, your entire body starts to heal, and you feel fresh and energetic throughout. Suppose you quit smoking today; within the next two weeks, you will see betterment in your physical condition overall, and you would feel much more active. Your blood circulation will improve, leading to you having a much easier time performing any physical activity. All the organs affected by this habit of yours would heal, and your immune system would boost. Your body will be much stronger to face diseases and illness. 

Lower Stress Levels

While most smokers argue otherwise, it is a false theory that cigarettes reduce stress levels. When you smoke a cigarette, the substance called nicotine is withdrawn, which intensifies the stress. This stress from the withdrawal confuses the mind that other stress levels are declining, which is certainly not the case. If you quit smoking, you would know that you would have healthier mental health, and your stress levels would naturally go down. The stress won’t just disappear suddenly, but you would automatically find healthier ways to fight it, like working out or going for a simple walk and maybe even listening to music. 

Improves Fertility Rate 

In a woman’s case, quitting smoking makes the lining around the womb improve. Whereas in men, their sperm count increases, and they turn out much stronger. Some studies even show that the chances of a woman facing a miscarriage also go down if they don’t smoke.

Heightens Your Senses 

You would see an incline in your senses when you stop smoking, such as a better sense of smell and taste. Your taste buds and nostrils would recover from all the harmful carbon monoxide that they were used to all the time.

Betterment Of Physical Features 

You will notice that people who smoke have duller skin. Their skin is not in great condition, and their lips have darkened. If you stop smoking, your skin will start glowing again. This will happen because you will now be getting more good nutrients and none of the toxins from the cigarettes. You won’t see your skin wrinkling for a long time, and your lips will become normal again. All this will happen because now, more oxygen is going in your body rather than carbon monoxide. Your teeth will shine again, and say goodbye to the breath issues as well. Tobacco is your breath’s worst enemy, even if you brush twice, and it can truly make people not want to converse with you. Quitting smoking will help you get the fresher breath back, and the general condition of your mouth will recover. 

Increase Your Life Expectancy 

Statistics have stated that half of the smokers die early, and they die because of smoking-related diseases. If you continue this habit, you will face heart issues, blood pressure problems, and many more without including your lungs’ issues. The earlier to quit, the greater number of years you add to your life. It’s never too late, but if you leave this habit even at 30, you would still add ten more years to your life. 

Protecting Your Loved Ones

When you smoke, you are not the only one getting harmed, your friends and family are also in this trap of passive smoking, and it is hurting them. By quitting, you are giving them a risk-free time as well.


Do it for yourself, do it for your loved ones. Please do it for your health, do it for their health. Quit smoking. It’s never too late to stop. It is an addictive habit, but strong willpower and proper guidance can give you all the benefits listed above. Save yourself from literal death and live a healthy lifestyle.