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Tips To Help Your Dog Get Over Separation Anxiety


We often encounter some abnormal behaviors in pets, especially when they are dogs. Dogs are one of the most sensitive animals, and they feel many emotions like humans do. We need to pay some attention to their activities regularly to get the cure for it. 

Separation anxiety in dogs has been found quite common and the main reason behind their unpredictable destructive habits. You need to make sure that you don’t get mad over it; instead, contact the cure for their disorder as a pet parent. Treatment is highly required for separation anxiety as when this disorder is ignored, and it can lead to a lot of unpredictable behavioral disturbances in one’s pet. The treatment given will help make your dog happy and calm when you are not at home.

This guide is to help your dogs feel better and homely when you are not at home. You will get to know how you can deal with anxiety in your dogs and make your dog feel better and happier.

What Is Separation Anxiety In Dogs? 

When the dogs and pets feel separated from their pet parents, they think a lot of anxiety or depression can lead them to destructive actions that could make things uncomfortable. Most pet parents mistake their separation as their disobedience and fault, but they are distressed and sad when their pet parent has left them in the home. You may notice that these actions last for a few hours or few minutes, but the acts can be very destructive.

Some Common Signs Of Separation Anxiety

There are many signs of a dog feeling separation from its pet parent, including many behavioral symptoms. Some of the frequently noticed signs are below.

  • Salivating
  • Trembling
  • Pacing
  • Panting
  • Breaking
  • Dilated pupils
  • Barking
  • Howling
  • Ignoring Food And Other Things
  • Scratching The Furniture Quite Often
  • Destroying Items In The Home
  • Unexpectedly Greeting The Owner While Licking(As If The Owner Has Come After A Lot Of Years)
  • Attempting To Escape From The Room Or Crate
  • Coprophagia

Some Common Causes Of Separation Anxiety

There are many causes of separation anxiety. The cause may include some heredity behaviors or some severe brain impacts that have caused the dogs to feel so much separation. Below are some common reasons mentioned:

  • Frequent Changes In Pet Parents
  • Considerable Difference In The Surroundings
  • Lack Of Proper Training
  • Premature Adoption
  • Heredity Behavior Arising From Feeling Boredom Genetically
  • Neglect
  • Long-vacations
  • New Socialization Patterns
  • Death Of A Pet Friend

How To Stop Separation Anxiety In Dogs?

You need to find some of the working methods to help your pet cope with the anxiety he may be suffering from the last few days. The treatment always doesn’t need to be medical or professional. You can help the pup learn about adapting to the environment he may have kept alone for a few days. You can help your dog adjust to being alone to the core with consistent practice and dog calming treatments. Here are some medicines mentioned that can help your dog get a cure for its separation anxiety.

Change Your “Going Away” Signals

There are specific actions that act as signals to the dogs carrying the message of your departure. It would be best if you tried using the different gate this time you are leaving home, or having the coat and sitting idle for about 15-20 mins. This will help change the action-related signals in your dog’s mind, and they will feel these signals as part of your regular activity. 

Place your keys or shoes in a different place this time so that your dog doesn’t notice you taking them. It would be best to make your departure like another day of your regular life to feel triggered. You can also use putting some toys in your dog’s mouth that can help them distract their mind from your departure.

Downplay Goodbyes And Hellos

This time, you need to control your emotions while getting for a departure or coming back. Please don’t make your goodbyes and hellos too over the top. This will help your dog maintain a stable state of mind and feel normal when arriving or leaving your home. 

Exercise Your Dog Before Departure

This is a common practice to make your dog tired. When your dog is exhausted, they are likely calmer. This will help your dog sleep or get less active in the activities happening in the surrounding. So, you can leave quickly from this time onwards.

Train Your Dog To Remain Alone Frequently

You can keep your dog in a room while staying in some other part of the house. This will help them develop the feeling that being alone is not that scary. 

Create Personal Space For Your Dog

Instead of letting them sleep with you in the same bed, you can try making a separate area for their living. This will help your dog become independent, and you can depart quickly without getting them too anxious about it.


These tips will surely help you get your dog over separation anxiety. You might not be able to cure separation anxiety in a brief span, but with the practice of a few hours, you can end up making them feel much calmer.