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What To Avoid When On A Paleo Diet

Your meal plan of paleo foods will have only those foods that our ancestors ate. They were hunter-gatherers who did not have many things in their era as we have now. However, the foods they ate had many health benefits. They were high in healthy fats that people nowadays take instead of the bad ones for weight loss. Therefore, people choose to stay on paleo meals to enhance their bodies. This article brings you some paleo diet rules and highlights what to avoid when on a paleo diet. 

What to avoid when on a Paleo diet?


When you make eating plans for your paleo meals, make sure to avoid pastries, pasta, modern loaves of bread, and quinoa on your plate. These foods have high Phytic Acid content, and people who follow paleo diet rules consider it difficult for the body to digest pieces of bread. They also believe that such foods lead to several problems related to our bodies. 


People believe that human beings’ bodies are not made to consume products taken from other animals such as cows, goats, camels, or any other animal. You cannot include anything made from their milk like cheese, butter, and normal milk in your paleo meals. All the dairy products have to be eliminated from the eating plans of your plate. 


You can include all the foods that our ancestors ate in your paleo meals. Peanut butter, hummus, and beans are foods that contain phytic acid. So, eating plans for dinner, breakfast, and lunch cannot include legumes.


If you want weight loss, you should not have added sugar. All artificial sweeteners are responsible for weight gain. If you are following paleo meals and making your eating plans, added sugar or artificial sweeteners in the morning tea or coffee is entirely not allowed. 


Alcohol is not consumed on a paleo diet because it is a toxin and also a processed beverage, which goes against the rules of paleo. Liquor is made from the fermentation of grains, which is not paleo-friendly either. It is best to stay away from alcohol if you’re sticking to a paleo diet.

What can you drink when you are thirsty?

You can have water as a beverage to hydrate yourself. Include sufficient water in your paleo meals. Water also helps eliminate toxins from the human body and aids in weight loss. Tea and coffee are not included in the meal plan of a paleo diet

You can still have tea because it is loaded with healthy antioxidants and many other health benefits. Make sure to avoid any added sugars or artificial sweeteners in your tea. Keep it as natural as our ancestors had. 

Some people on the paleo diet also have coffee because it is rich in antioxidants. There are many other health benefits of coffee, but you should have it without added sugar if you want to lose weight through a paleo meal plan. 


Loren Cordain has specialized in paleo meals and believes that if you consume foods that our ancestors ate, you can lose weight. These have long term health benefits. They were mostly grass-fed, which helped them remain healthy. This article brought you all you should avoid when on a paleo diet