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Tips To Keep Your Home Air Fresh During Winter

Winter is in full swing, and for many, that means your home air is suffering. Whether it is due to the cold temperatures inside or the constant use of your furnace, air quality can decrease significantly during the colder months. But that doesn’t mean you can do something about it! This post will find a list of tips to keep your home air fresh during winter. Doing so will benefit your health and help you breathe better. So, continue reading to get started!

How The Winter Weather Is Ruining Your Air Quality

With an increased demand for energy during these cold winter months and the additional burning of fuels to meet it, airborne particles accumulate within the atmosphere. As temperatures drop, pollutants often become trapped in the air, leading to smog and other pollutants that can cause health issues such as sore throats and lung irritation for those with respiratory problems. Compounding the problem is that many people use space heaters and furnaces, both of which create more air pollution indoors and out.

All the snow plows driving around doing their job on already congested roads. Furthermore, exhaust from cars in locations with extreme winter weather can also add to poor outdoor air quality due to a combination of engine oil burning off from trying to start the vehicle in cold weather. With all of these different factors accumulating in and around your home, it’s essential to improve your home’s air quality.

Tips To Keep Your Home Air Fresh During Winter

Inspect Your Air Ducts

Home Air

The air ducts in your home play an essential role in air quality. During the winter, dust, dirt, and other impurities can accumulate in the air ducts and, if left unchecked for a long period, can spread throughout the home, affecting indoor air quality. That’s why it’s essential to check your air ducts once or twice a year to maintain a healthy environment in your household.

Not only will regular inspections ensure that no dust or other particles are floating around your home, but they will also help reduce energy costs as the system will be able to circulate clean, fresh air through your HVAC system more effectively and efficiently. So, ensure you include an air duct inspection in your annual winter routine!

Clean Your Air Filter

Home Air

One of the essential parts of any HVAC system that affects the quality of the air you breathe inside is your air filter. Taking a few minutes to check and change your filter every month will not only stop pollutants from circulating in your home but also ensure your furnace is running efficiently. It is easy to forget about changing or cleaning your filter in these colder months, but it is essential for ensuring clean indoor air.

And if you notice that your air filter is dirty or clogged, it’s probably a good idea to replace it. Installing a fresh filter will help keep your HVAC system running well and prevent dust and dirt from getting into the ductwork.

Invest In An Air Purifier

Home Air

If you want an added layer of protection, you may want to consider investing in an air purifier. Air purifiers are devices that work to remove impurities from the air and can help improve indoor air quality. Some models even have filters that specifically remove particles like dust, pollen, smoke, pet dander, and other airborne irritants that can negatively affect your health during winter.

When choosing an air purifier, it’s important to research and find one rated well by other users. You should also consider your budget, as these devices can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, so it’s best to research before purchasing one.

Ensure There Is Adequate Ventilation

Home Air

To protect against respiratory illnesses such as asthma, ensuring your living space is properly ventilated and clean air circulated throughout is essential. The best way to achieve this is through a combination of mechanical and natural ventilation systems. If you have a fireplace, opening the flue and using it on an as-needed basis will help clear out the air in your home or apartment.

You can also set up exhaust fans to draw the dirty air out of your kitchen and bathrooms, improving indoor air quality. And if you are worried about the cost of installing a ventilation system in your home, don’t be. Many affordable options and financing plans are available to help you budget for a ventilation project such as this.

Keep Your Home As Clean As Possible

Home Air

Due to the colder temperatures, windows stay shut for months at a time during the winter, and with less outdoor exposure to your inside space, it can be difficult to effectively filter out dirt and dust particles. One of the best ways to ensure your home has clean air during this season is to keep it uncluttered by reducing objects on shelves and surfaces that may collect dust.

In addition, be sure to vacuum or mop at least twice a week using HEPA filters when possible. You may also want to consider spending a little extra time deep cleaning your carpets and furniture to ensure that you breathe clean air.

Grow Some Houseplants

Home Air

Finally, finding a way to freshen the air naturally should be a welcome addition to any home, and luckily many plants thrive during the cold winter months. From English ivy, rubber plants, and peace lilies, all are known to absorb toxins in the air while releasing much-needed oxygen. Growing some of these houseplants improves indoor air quality and adds a touch of beauty to your home.

If you’re new to growing plants, why not start with something like a Chinese evergreen which isn’t demanding when it comes to light or water requirements? Give it a try – your health and your home will thank you! Some even release moisture into the atmosphere, helping you maintain comfortable humidity indoors during dry winter.

Take Action To Keep Your Home Air Fresh During Winter!

It is no secret that keeping your home air fresh during winter is a real challenge. Whether you invest in an air purifier, have your air ducts cleaned, or grow some plants, the important thing is to take action and do your best to protect yourself from cold-weather respiratory illnesses. However, by following just a few simple tips listed above, you can help improve your indoor air quality and protect yourself from cold-weather respiratory illnesses. Get started today!