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Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

The topic of identity theft should concern every person, but the worrying trend in recent years shows that it doesn’t seem to be doing so. Everyone should learn how to protect themselves from having their identity stolen, but the sad fact is that many people don’t know how simple it can be to do just that. In this article, we will outline some of the essential methods that you can use to safeguard your personal information.

Protect Your Social Security Number

Protecting your social security number is perhaps the easiest way to get your identity stolen. Someone may be able to gain access to your credit card, bank account or even take out a loan in your name if they have your social security number. If you are asked for this information, it is probably safe to assume that you should not provide it. 

Be Wary Of Those Asking For Personal Information 

Never give your name, address, or other personal details to a telemarketer who calls you ut of the blue. These people usually do not need this information and maybe try to sell something you don’t want or need. Never trust anyone who asks for money to protect your identity – these schemes are usually fraudulent. 

Use Strong Passwords And Change Them 

This is something that many people don’t do, but it is one of the most important ways to protect yourself from identity theft. Strong passwords should always be at least six characters long and contain letters and numbers. These should also be changed periodically, as a thief could potentially use a stolen password for months before being detected. Use different variations of passwords for other accounts. 

Shred Documents Containing Personal Information

You should always shred any documents that contain your personal information before throwing them away. This includes bank statements, utility bills, and anything else that has your name and address on it. A thief can use this information to access your accounts or even file a false tax return in your name. Shredding documents is a simple way to protect yourself from identity theft.

Check Your Credit Report Regularly

It is a good idea to check your credit report at least once a year. This will allow you to see if any accounts have been opened in your name without your permission. So make sure you take advantage of this and check your report regularly so that you can recognize any suspicious activity.

Use A Secure Wi-Fi Connection

When using public Wi-Fi to access the internet, you should always make sure that the connection is secure. This will prevent anyone using the same Wi-Fi connection from seeing your personal information while it is in transit. Suppose you do not know whether or not an establishment’s Wi-Fi connection is secure. In that case, you should simply avoid accessing any websites containing sensitive information (such as your bank account).

Be Careful Of What You Share On Social Media

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become a significant part of our lives over the past few years. Unfortunately, it is all too easy for someone to access your personal information on these sites. Many recent high-profile identity theft cases have involved people who stole this information from social media sites. So make sure you are careful about what you share on social media and only accept friend requests from people you know.

Protect Your Phone Number

You should never give out personal information about yourself over the phone unless you know who is on the other end of the line. Scammers are known for using every trick in the book to trick people out of their money, so you should never release your personal information under any circumstances. If someone asks for this information, they are most likely trying to steal your identity so just hang up immediately.


Identity theft is a big problem in the United States, and if you want to protect yourself from this crime, you should follow these simple tips above. If you’re already a victim of identity theft, please get in contact with the police and file a report.