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Pros And Cons Of Caffeine


Caffeine is the most common stimulus or psychoactive found in cacao plants, tea, and coffee worldwide. You can also find it in many energy drinks and sodas. Caffeine derives from 60 different plants such as tea leaves, cola cut seeds, coffee beans, cacao seeds, etc. After purifying it, manufacturers get a harsh white powder that gives an extraordinary taste to soft or energy drinks. Nowadays, both young and older people consume it regularly for health benefits. Caffeine consumption helps them to prevent tiredness and stay alert for their work. Caffeine reaction times in the body are approx 35 to 40 minutes, and its effect stays in the body for 3-4 hours.

How Does Caffeine React In The Body?

Caffeine mainly affects people’s brains. It blocks the effect of adenosine which makes your brain relax and makes you feel tired. In addition, it increases the brain activity of norepinephrine and blood adrenaline levels.

Advantages Of Caffeine For Your Body: 

Improves Working Of The Brain

Caffeine helps to block adenosine and makes your brain more alert and active so that you are not feeling tired and do your work with concentration and do various cognitive tasks. Consuming caffeinated coffee 2 to 3 times a day will reduce brain diseases and improve mental alertness. 

Improves Physical Performance

Caffeine helps in increasing tolerance to fatigue and improves muscle reduction. In addition, consumption of caffeinated coffee before one hour of exercise improves your performance during exercise. It increases adrenaline levels in your blood which helps you prepare yourself for physical exertion by up to 5% and makes your workout easy.

Helpful In Burning Fat Or Weight Loss

Caffeine can encourage the central nervous system, which may increase the burning of fat in your body. Consumption of 300 grams of caffeine may allow you to burn 70 to 80 extra calories, which is helpful for fast weight loss. Caffeinated coffee also reduces the hunger for snacks and unhealthy food. 

Reduces Risk Of Health Diseases

Caffeinated coffee reduces the chances of liver cancer, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s disease, and many more. It also prevents the development of basal carcinoma in your body, which causes skin cancer and decreases the development of prostate cancer. Consumption of 1-3 cups of caffeinated coffee per day may reduce the risk of heart diseases and 25% to 30% less risk of developing type 2 diabetes in your body. Consuming caffeinated coffee also reduces the chance of stroke up to 20%. 

Improve Liver

Consuming caffeinated coffee improves liver health and reduces the risk of liver damage. Coffee reduces the progress of diseases in the liver and lowers the chance of premature deaths. Caffeine increases 10% to 12% metabolism in the liver. 

Reduces Pain Of Muscles:

Caffeine prompts the release of hormones and B-endorphins that creates pain or discomfort in your muscles. 

Disadvantages Of Caffeine For Your Body: 

Many Problems Created By Caffeine

Caffeine consumption within limits is good, but high caffeine intake may create problems like restlessness, irregular heartbeats, anxiety, trouble in sleep, etc. It also prompts problems of high blood pressure, migraine, and headache. 

Dangerous For Female Health

Because of caffeine, females face problems with infertility. Caffeine reduces the muscle activity in fallopian tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the female’s womb. Consumption of 2-3 cups of caffeinated coffee a day by pregnant ladies may face delayed fetal growth, abnormal fetal heart rhythm, and loss of pregnancy. Caffeine intake of 330 grams or 3-4 cups of coffee creates a high chance of a problem in a female’s bladder.

Chance Of Cardiovascular Diseases

High caffeine intake raises the risk of cardiovascular diseases in your body. 3-4 cups of coffee create high levels of blood pressure for many hours in the body. 

Increases Blood Sugar Levels

Consuming 2-3 cups of coffee or caffeine may diminish insulin action and increase blood sugar levels. So people with type 2 diabetes should be aware of it before consuming caffeine.

Create Gastrointestinal Problems

Caffeinated beverages are harmful to people with colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease. Caffeine increases the shrinking of stomach muscles, creating increases in bowel movements, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

May Increases Stress Level

Consumptions of high caffeine raise people’s perception of stress and increase people’s stress hormones. In addition, the effect of early morning consumption of caffeine left till the night strengthens the level of stress the whole day. 


No doubt caffeine is an excellent energy source and allows you to stay active or alert for your work, but high caffeine consumption will become harmful. It proves that everything is good within limits. Ensure that you keep an eye on your caffeine intake and limit yourself to a smaller amount to ensure maximum benefits.