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Most Dangerous Soda Habits

A drink in which carbonated water is present with sweeter, artificial, or natural flavoring. Many soft drinks also contain caffeine, preservatives, and coloring. There are many reasons why most people are addicted to soda. Soda or soft drinks are not costly; the commercial ads done by celebrities gain lots of publicity which attracts many consumers, and the intake of these drinks also increases.  

Soda And Its Harmful Effects

Though people are consuming soda at an increasing rate, some are unaware of its toxic effects. Nevertheless, people who know its harmful impacts are not ready to stop soda consumption as they become more addicted each day. Soda doesn’t provide any nutritional value to your body, and it can potentially increase the risk of diseases. Drinking soda can sometimes affect mental health as well. 

Cardiovascular Risk Of Drinking Soda

Soda is a sugary beverage that is not suitable for health in the long run as it can cause heart problems. Many types of research have found that avoiding soda can be beneficial for your health. Just having more than one serving of sugary beverages like soda, soft drinks, and power drinks can increase your calorie intake and increase your body’s saturated fats. 

Sweetened Beverages

The beverage that contains added sugar is sweetened. If you are used to drinking this drink, then there are chances of increasing weight gain that leads to obesity. Some countries like Mexico had placed taxes on sweetened beverages. Artificial beverages are not nutritious for health. According to the research, many school kids prefer sweetened beverages over milk; this has a significant health implication for children, as nutrients like iron and calcium are not present in soda.  


Obesity is the result of an unhealthy diet that promotes boosted body weight. According to WHO, more than 1.9 billion people were overweight. The obesity rate is said to rise by 42% by 2030. Though obesity can be due to socioeconomic conditions, and metabolic, cultural, and behavioral aspects, the increased consumption of soda and sweetened beverages has intensified its rate. 

Diseases From Sugary Beverages

The intake of this drink results in fewer health habits or behavior. One can of sugar drinks raises the rate of heart attacks in men. The adverse effect can help increase the risk of heart disease. Globally drinking this beverage is boosting and mostly in developing countries. According to the American heart association, sugary drinks increase the glucose and insulin level in the body, which leads to obesity, and that is a significant factor in cardiovascular disease. Too much sugar in the blood also gives oxidative stress, insulin resistance, inflammation, and increased cholesterol.

Type 2 diabetes is developed primarily by the intake of sugary items. When the cells become used to an excess of sugar in the bloodstream and respond less to insulin, the glucose is not absorbed.

Other Sweetened Drinks 

People who drink corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, diet soda, and fruit drinks in a day have a 42% higher risk of heart disease, and those who regularly drink sweetened soda have a 23% higher risk of heart disease. People choosing diet soda to cut off regular sodas are not a good option. It contains artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, and others, which may be bad for health. High fructose corn syrup is an artificial sugar that is made from corn syrup. It is toxic for your health as it contains unnatural fructose. It can also increase your liver fat because of the high fructose content. High fructose corn syrup can also increase other harmful diseases like cancer, diabetes, obesity, and inflammation. 


The bottom line is that these drinks are widely available in the market, increasing their consumption rate in most countries. Avoid the temptation of soda and try to substitute it for carbonated water with lemon or lime. Freshly squeezed juices are also another healthy substitute with many health benefits and nutrients. Kick the soda habit, and try to switch to a healthier option with nutrients to improve your well-being.