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How To Prepare For A Job Interview

Do you have a job interview coming up? Preparing for a job interview can be intimidating, especially if you have no idea what to expect. The age-old advice of being prepared likely means something different to each person. When it comes down to it, everyone is different, and what works for one applicant may not work for another. However, everyone should do some basic things when preparing for a job interview to ensure that they’re ready.

Dress Appropriately

First and foremost, dress appropriately. If the company is casual, then dressing casually will be appropriate. However, if the company has a more professional atmosphere or wants employees to play a specific role within the organization, you’ll want to dress accordingly.

It’s always better to overdress slightly than underdress slightly when it comes down to it! In addition to being prepared when it comes to your outfit choice, have an idea of what you’ll say when asked about past experiences and roles you’ve held. Have something that resembles an elevator pitch (a short and sweet explanation about yourself and experience) that you can use instead of rambling off everything on your resume.

Know About The Company, What They Do & Their Hiring Practices

Research the company before your interview and know what they do. If you don’t know anything about them or their hiring practices, it’s probably a good idea to find out more information! When the company asks why you’re interested in working for this particular company, knowing this information before your interview will help you come up with an answer beyond ‘because I need a job’ and ‘I like the sound of what they do.’

Researching their competitors is also a great thing to do when preparing for a job interview because you will answer any questions regarding how well prepared you were if you can back up your claims with knowledge.

Research & Prepare Answers For Any Questions They’re Likely To Ask

Common questions you’ll likely get during a job interview include 

  1. What is your salary expectation? 
  2. Tell me about yourself 
  3. Why are you interested in this position? 
  4. Why should we hire you over the other applicants? 
  5. Do you have any experience with the company or within the company’s field? 
  6. Do you have anything else to add to help us get to know you better? 

The list of possible questions goes on, but these are some examples of what they may ask you, and you should prepare answers ahead of time! Knowing how much money an applicant expects to receive when hired for a position can be vital, so it’s not something you want to mess up. The same applies to knowing why you’re interested in the position or company that is offering it, how well prepared you are to take on the role and responsibilities, whether or not any of your past experiences apply to the job at hand and what else will make you stand out!

Conduct Mock Interviews With Friends & Partners

Conducting mock interviews or having a friend or significant other ask you questions to prepare is extremely important when it comes down to it. It’s difficult for most people to know what they don’t know, so someone who has experience asking others questions during an interview may be the best person to conduct these types of practice runs with. Some great websites feature common job interview questions, and it’s definitely worth researching this information to ensure that you’re 100% ready for your next interview!

Offer Solutions, Not Problems

Asking questions during a job interview that shows that you’re eager to learn and prepare for success is always important! During an interview, the interviewer will see how well you can problem solve and your potential role within the company and team. Ask about the hiring process or how long they expect it to take. Ask if there are any tests, projects, or examples of past work you’ll need to do to obtain an offer.

If they ask if you have any questions, try keeping them relevant to what you know about the company & position so far throughout your preparation efforts! For instance: “How would this position impact on-going responsibilities?” rather than “What hours am I required to work?” demonstrates your willingness to adjust and be flexible.

Practice Your Speaking Voice And Body Language

The way you present yourself can make a big difference in the impression you leave on a potential employer! Prepare your speaking voice ahead of time by practicing what you say and how you’ll say it. Pay attention to any verbal tics or pauses that may happen during your interview, especially if they’re problematic. Keep eye contact with the person who is interviewing you. Be sure to smile even if it’s fake-smile because body language can also be crucial during an interview!


Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but if you prepare by researching common questions and practicing your answers, you’ll feel much more confident. Be sure to dress appropriately, offer solutions to problems and practice your speaking voice & body language. With a little bit of effort, you will make a great impression on potential employers and increase your chances of landing the job!