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How To Make A Good First Impression

Meeting new people isn’t easy. You sometimes get nervous and forget what to do or say. First impressions are essential whether you’re applying for a job or just trying to make new friends. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to create the best image possible in every situation. In the following paragraphs, you will find some tips on making an excellent first impression.

Dress To Impress

One of the most important things you can do when meeting someone new is dress nicely. This doesn’t mean that you have to put on a suit and tie (or wear a skirt and blouse), but it does mean that you should be neat. Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight or too loose. Try to wear clothes that are appropriate for the situation, too. For example, you might want to avoid wearing jeans and a t-shirt at an interview or when meeting your partner’s parents.

Be Yourself

You want to make sure that your first impression is genuine. If someone is uncomfortable around you or feels like something false about how you are acting, they won’t be able to get past this feeling to enjoy spending time with you. Remember: it isn’t always necessary for people to “like” everything about us (or even anything at all), so don’t go out of your way trying to be perfect! It also helps if you’re genuinely interested in learning more about them instead of just focusing on what they can do for you. This will help foster an environment where both parties feel comfortable enough to share their authentic selves without fear of judgment from others.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions

If you don’t understand the other person, feel free to ask questions. This shows that you care about what they have said so far, which will create an excellent first impression. However, avoid asking too many questions all at once. Instead, wait until there is a natural pause in the conversation before jumping in with another question. Avoid repeating information back as a question (“So…you went to Indiana?”), as this can make you look like a parrot or a spy!


Smiling is a simple yet effective way to create the best first impression possible. Not only will it make you look more friendly and approachable, but smiling also sends out positive energy that can help put someone else at ease. When meeting new people (especially those who are nervous), just flash them your smile for an instant before going back to whatever you were doing or saying previously. Smiling is also really good for you, so it’s a win-win situation!

Make Eye Contact

Looking someone in the eye when you speak to them shows that you are confident. It also helps you get a read on what kind of person they are and whether or not you will be comfortable spending more time with them. If looking into their eyes makes you nervous, try making eye contact for just a few seconds before moving on to something else (like acknowledging someone’s shirt or tie). You can then make another glance at their face later as well.

Give A Firm Handshake

People often use their handshakes as opportunities to dominate conversations or assert authority over others, but this isn’t always necessary! Instead of using your handshake as a means of overpowering someone else’s grip, just give them one firm shake, then let go without squeezing any tighter than usual. You should also avoid holding hands for too long; instead, release around three seconds after shaking hands. This will help you make a good first impression without coming off as overly aggressive or clingy.


There are many different ways to make an excellent first impression, but the most important thing is to be genuine and interested in the person you are talking with. Smile, listen carefully, and avoid interrupting them as much as possible. If you can manage to do all of these things, then you’re well on your way to making a great impression!