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How To Know What Hat Style Best Fits Your Face Shape

For your face shape, getting the right hat can be like trying on pants. Some hats have the same sizes on the labels, but they don’t fit the same way. After all, the same hat can look great on you but not entirely express the same sense of identity on someone else. And it’s all okay because there are some different hats for every face shape and individuality.

What’s The Shape Of Your Face?

Round Face Shape

The most critical aspect of a face that is round is shorter in length, and the cheekbones are usually at the broadest point of the outset. It doesn’t have too many details. They’re likely to be subtle and soft if there are any angles. The chin is generally rounded and slightly noticeable. The round face has approximate symmetry, and the cheekbones are not sharp or high.

Long Face

Because it’s more extended than it’s wide, the elongated face is easily recognized. This shape is straightforward to determine; you can have features from different face shapes. A combination of long and round features is oval. It has a subtle chin and jawline. 

Square Face 

A sharp and robust jawline is the critical feature of a square face; it has the exact symmetry in its length and width. A square face look has equal widths, minimal curves, and a pronounced jawline.

Diamond Face

A diamond face is relatively identical to a heart shape, and it can either be around or long in proportion across the length and width. If you aren’t sure whether you have a diamond-shaped face or a heart-shaped one, evaluate the qualities of a diamond face shape, which are narrow features and wide cheekbones.

Heart-Shaped Face

A heart-shaped face has similar features to that of a round face. This face shape also includes a broader forehead, a slender jawline, and an angled chin.

Hats According To Your Face Shape

Hats For Round Faces

The best hats for round faces are:

  1. Angled Hats: Grab different styles with angled hats that suit round faces. There are hat alternatives other than fedoras with angled elements to distinguish your smooth features, like a Panama hat.
  2. Fedoras: Fedoras features angular details and a trivial crown. Along with a narrow brim, these elements help downplay the symmetrical, smooth parts of a round face.
  3. Beanies: The right hat for winter is the beanie. A beanie uncovers more of your face than different hats do, allowing you to add equilibrium to your rounded characteristics.

Diamond-Shaped Face

For diamond face shapes, flat caps, wide-brimmed fedoras, outback hats, and beanies should be flattering.

Hats For Square Face

If you have this kind of face, then the winter hats will provide your look soft. Search for floppier modes such as bowler styles, floppier, and bucket hats. These will enhance the roundness of your face contour. Berets and beanies are also excellent options.

Hats For Oval Face

Lucky you, you can put on any hat style if you have an oval face, and you don’t want to worry about balancing out roundness or square shape. You can try every hat style and wear anything from baker boys to fedoras, berets to beanies, floppy felt hats styles to fisherman hats. 


By reading the above, we can say that all faces are unique, but you can have similar face shapes, which will help you carry some hat styles accordingly.