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Best Ways To Prevent Having Mice In Your Home

It doesn’t matter how clean; these little scavengers will always find their way into your home. Since chasing them out is a skittish play, try these methods to prevent mice from the get-go. Keeping your home free of these rodents can be challenging. You might not even notice a mouse or two, but the threat they pose to your health is inevitable. They enter through petite holes and not only carry oodles of diseases but also damage your home inside out, everything from walls to the wiring, nesting in the most unused corners. Below are the eight most effective methods to prevent mice from entering your happy place. 

Say Goodbye To The Existing Rodents

Before putting efforts into preventing rodents, one must eliminate the ones already present (if any). Trapping and baiting are the two most commonly used techniques. There are plenty of mouse traps and bait styles available in the market; some are even designed to kill rodents, like snap-style traps. However, ensure the bait stations you pick are tamper-resistant, as it holds the mice in place while keeping the pets and children out. Track the areas where you usually see the mice, and carefully place the traps and bait on the pathway with alluring food items like peanut butter, cheese, etc. Once caught, release them somewhere far in the green.

Prioritize Home Maintenance 

Rodent proofing is the next big step after you’ve confirmed that the space is mice-free. Seal every plausible opening in your home from where the mice can enter. Repair cracked or broken edges, weatherstripping, etc., around each door and window, and cover vents. Gaps around the air conditioners and dryer vents are some of the most accessible places for these rodents to enter. 

Cap the Holes 

Due to their size and flexibility, mice can squeeze into almost any space, no matter how small, giving them plenty of room to hide. Ensure your home’s walls and foundation are not providing these rodents space to occupy or nest. Scrutinize the walls of your home for holes and cracks, both interior and exterior. Though one must repair the larger holes, filling the smaller ones with something mice can’t pull out, like steel wood, will do the job. 

Don’t Feed Them

One of the main reasons mice build a nest in inhabited places is the easy access to an abundant source of nourishment. Restrict and prevent every apparent supply of food and water, and they’ll leave looking for some. Keep the faucets closed to avoid any leaks, store all your food in containers, and even keep a tight lid on the trash cans. Clear spills of any sort and empty the trash frequently, away from your home.

Adopt a Furry Friend 

Although Tom was never successful in keeping Jerry away, your four-legged furry cat will definitely eliminate any trace of mice from your home. Go to your local shelter and try your hand at fostering or adopting a cat. The scent alone of this little huntress is enough to keep the rodents miles away. Furthermore, the little company and warmth of a pet never hurt anyone.

Keep The Surroundings In Order 

The clutter outside your home acts as a perfect hiding spot for mice and rats. Ensure all the places, from the house’s foundation to the garage and yard, are free from potential hiding spots. Remove bushes and trash, and fill up any visible ground holes. 

The Magic of Smell

Leaving a distinctive smell inside and outside your home deter mice. 

There are several chemical-free repellents available today which restrict mice and leave your place smelling good. Alternatively, you can also use essential oils like peppermint oil on a few cotton balls and place them at entry spots to prevent mice from entering. 

You might not know, but your cat’s litter is as effective as she is. Scatter it around the outside of the house because when mice smell the waste, it automatically restricts them from entering your home. There are various other products readily available at a pet store, which more or less work the same way.

Contact Pest Control

Regular pest control is one of the most undemanding ways to prevent rodent infestations in your home. If you are not comfortable or lack time, contacting a pest-controlling agency is your best shot at a healthy home. 


Rodents are a year-round problem, and being proactive is the only solution to them. Taking proper measures and maintaining surroundings that are both clean and clear of any unnecessary items works well. A scheduled watch over less frequented places like basements and garages and potential nesting spots for mice will give you a head start at solving any rodent-related issues.