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7 Creative Uses For Leftover Coffee Grounds

Coffee is a popular beverage that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. While many love the taste and energy boost coffee provides, you often overlook the potential of the leftover coffee grounds. Coffee grounds can be used in various ways to benefit you and the environment. From creating exfoliating scrubs to serving as natural fertilizers, coffee grounds have a range of practical uses that you may not have considered. This article will explore seven creative uses for leftover coffee grounds that you can try at home.

How Coffee Has Shaped The World

Coffee, the beloved caffeine fix of many, has played a significant role in shaping the world we live in today. Originally cultivated in Ethiopia, coffee quickly spread throughout the Arab world and then to Europe, eventually becoming a global phenomenon. Its popularity has led to the creation of coffeehouses, which have served as meeting places for intellectuals, artists, and activists to exchange ideas and collaborate.

In addition, the demand for coffee has spurred globalization and international trade, creating complex supply chains and trade deals that have affected economies on a global scale. With its rich history and influence, it’s clear that coffee has left an indelible mark on the world.

Creative Uses For Leftover Coffee Grounds

Believe it or not, many practical uses for leftover coffee grounds can benefit you and the environment. Here are seven creative ways to use old coffee grounds:

Exfoliating Scrub


Did you know your morning cup of coffee can serve multiple purposes beyond just caffeine? Coffee grounds contain caffeine, which has been shown to increase blood flow and decrease inflammation. Next time you make coffee, don’t throw away the used grounds! You can repurpose them as a natural exfoliant for your skin.

Incorporating coffee grounds into your skincare routine can help reduce cellulite’s appearance and leave your skin looking refreshed. Mix leftover coffee grounds with coconut oil or honey to create a simple exfoliating scrub to make a paste. Gently massage the scrub onto your skin, then rinse with warm water for smooth and glowing skin. It’s time to give your coffee grounds a second chance and reap the benefits for your skin!



Were you aware that you can reuse coffee grounds as fertilizer for plants? Coffee grounds contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that offer important nutrients for the plants’ growth and keep snails and slugs away.

Give your plants a boost and reduce waste by putting those leftover coffee grounds to work in your garden. To use coffee grounds as fertilizer, mix them into your soil or sprinkle them on top of the soil around your plants. But be cautious not to go overboard, as excessive coffee grounds can make the soil too acidic for some plants.



Don’t throw away your leftover coffee grounds! Believe it or not, they can serve as a natural and effective deodorizer in your home. The strong aroma of coffee can help to eliminate unpleasant odors in your fridge, closet, or any other space that could benefit from a fresh scent.

Just fill a small dish with coffee grounds, then place it in the refreshing area. Alternatively, consider placing a small bag of coffee grounds in your car to help combat stubborn unwanted odors. Not only is this a simple and affordable solution, but it’s also a great way to reduce waste and give your coffee a chance to shine.

Pest Repellent


While coffee is enjoyed by millions daily, only some know the secret powers of its leftover grounds. Did you know that coffee grounds can also be a natural pest repellent? This is because the caffeine found in coffee can be toxic to insects like slugs and snails.

You can effectively keep these pests at bay by sprinkling some coffee grounds around your plants or garden bed. Alternatively, you can create a spray by mixing coffee grounds with water and directly targeting the pests. So, don’t throw away those leftover coffee grounds – put them to good use in your garden and enjoy a pest-free environment!

Cleaning Solution


The leftover coffee grounds you toss in the trash can serve a practical purpose. Coffee grounds can make for an effective and natural cleaning solution for various surfaces in your home. Due to their abrasive texture, they can be used to scrub away stubborn grime and stains on kitchen and bathroom surfaces.

Mixing coffee grounds with water to create a paste, you can tackle tough stains on countertops, sinks, and stovetops. Next time you’re wondering what to do with your leftover coffee grounds, consider giving them a second life as a cleaning solution.

DIY Candle


If you’re a coffee lover, you’ll be glad to know that there are creative ways to use leftover coffee grounds that can benefit your wallet and home decor. A great idea is to turn the grounds into a DIY candle. Mixing the coffee with melted wax creates a unique scent that will fill your home with a cozy ambiance.

Additionally, using coffee grounds as an ingredient in candles helps to reduce waste and adds a touch of personalization to the process. With just a few simple steps, you can transform your leftover coffee grounds into a beautiful and fragrant candle, making your home smell sweet and inviting.

Meat Tenderizer

Did you know that coffee grounds can be used as a meat tenderizer? It’s true! The natural acidic compounds found in coffee can help to break down the tough fibers in meat, resulting in tender and juicy cuts. But that’s not all; coffee grounds can also add a unique smoky flavor to your meat, leaving your taste buds in awe.

Mix the coffee grounds with your favorite spices and rub the mixture onto the meat before cooking. This creative use for leftover coffee grounds is a game-changer in the kitchen, giving new life to a common byproduct of your morning brew.

Try These Creative Uses For Your Coffee Grounds!

In conclusion, leftover coffee grounds have numerous practical uses that benefit you and the environment. From exfoliating scrubs to pest repellents, coffee grounds offer a natural and affordable alternative to many commercial products. Incorporating these creative uses into your daily routine can reduce waste and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. So the next time you enjoy coffee, don’t throw away those leftover grounds. Instead, try one of these innovative uses and see how coffee can benefit you beyond just a morning pick-me-up.