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10 Genius Tips For Budgeting Your Money

Budgeting provides the foundation of all financial plans, whether you’re earning six figures a year or living paycheck to paycheck. Budgeting is not about reducing where you spend your money and leaving all the fun in life. It’s actually about realizing how much money you own, where it is going, and planning how to designate the funds properly. When it is too personal finances, the first move is to make a remarkably good budget. Without any budget, you can have no idea about how much money is coming in or going out, and before long, you’ll see yourself in financial trouble. Here’s all you need to help you plan and manage your budget.

Multiple Bank Accounts

It can sound counterintuitive, but opening multiple bank accounts will make it simpler to get your money organized. Think about owning one account for benefits and everyday costs, one for savings or one for bills, and occasional expenses like gifts, and car maintenance, and another for savings. By owning a bank account for every type of expense, you will make sure that the money will be there when the time comes to spend the money.

Automate Finances

Automating the finances will ensure that your money can allocate to the proper bill/expense/account before you get the chance to spend it. When you have various bank accounts to plan your finances, you can easily automate all of them. Tally up all your bills, then set the automated bank transfer towards the whole amount every month, ideally after every payday. Transfer the money from your everyday account to your bills account so that when the bill is due, you can pay it. 

Pay Yourself

Often when people budget, they look at their expenses and bills and instantly realize that there’s no money left to put in the savings. You must put 20% of your salary away every month. If there’s not enough, then you have to cut back your expenses or make extra money. When you automate your savings and put them aside automatically after every payday, you should make sure that you pay yourself first and save before spending your money on other things for the future times.

Increase Your Savings

It’s not sufficient to put the money in your savings account and wait. You need to invest the savings into ventures that can get you returns; otherwise, the savings can lose their value due to inflation. Talk to a financial planner regarding the options suitable for you.

Income Adjusts

If your revenue is commission-based or variable, then adjust the spending correspondingly. Make the spending less if you earn less and when the income gets high, put extra money into savings or debts. If you’re getting a different job or an increase, then make sure that you are adjusting the budget to support the rise in your income. You should not merely raise the expenses – you must use the extra income to save more money or pay your debt faster. Try living like you’re on the previous income so that you don’t overspend.

Plan Variable Expenses Like Meals, Travel, And Entertainment

It’s mostly your variable expenses causing you to overindulge. You need to think about these expenses. Make sure you’re including entertainment and eating out in your budget so that you can have money whenever you’re going out and doing things. Frequently we don’t face ourselves when budgeting to make ends meet. We try to say that we’ll just spend $40 on entertainment each month, but in actuality, $40 doesn’t end up very far, and we spend $200. So, if we don’t include these expenses in the budget, we will fail.

Set A Realistic Budget

As it is said, it’s alright to unite some money for a line when you’re unrealistic with the intended value. If you try to save on groceries or any other thing, for example, and you’ve done meal planning and shopping, yet you are overspending every month, you will probably need to up the grocery budget. Always remember that there’s no magical money tree that drops dollar bills inside the wallet when you alter a planned amount. 

Plan For Large Purchases

If you’re thinking about buying an expensive item like a new TV or laptop, then the key is planning before time. Select a date you would like to invest, and then divide the price by the number of days. For instance, if you need to buy a $1,400 computer in 250 days, you have to save $4 each day. This will keep you from putting the item on a credit card, which may put you in severe debt by having to pay interest until you are able to pay off the balance.

Be A Savvy Shopper

Many websites like Groupon, WagJag, Buytopia, and LivingSocial can offer huge discounts on anything from travel to functions and entertainment to spas and shopping. Also, don’t forget to scour Varage and Kijiji Sale for used goods. You can often find great deals on hardly used products that are normally expensive, like clothing or furniture.

 Compare Prices Online

When you’re shopping for multiple items, take out some time to connect prices online. Often it adjusts to taking the time to receive various quotes, particularly when buying mortgages, insurance, utilities, and all other services.


From above, it looks like building a budget is a tiresome financial activity, particularly if you think that the finances are already in great order. But you can be amazed at how worthy a budget could be. A flexible budget will help you keep the spending on track and even reveal the hidden cash flow difficulties that can free up more money to include in your other financial purposes. Getting practice with a new budget routine can take some months to create a perfect one. The budget you made might not be ideal the first time around. Be gentle with yourself and the budgeting lifestyle as you will settle into the new system. Concentrate on making daily choices with the budgeting aims in mind to assist in building new attitudes.